Add Facebook Popout Like Box To Blogger

Add Facebook Popout Like Box To Blogger

Facebook Popout Like Box is a new version of FB Like Box for Bloggers,this box will help you to get Facebook Page likes , the likes can be for your website/blog page or any other page.We should not underestimate the Social Media , in which Facebook is at the top , therefore get more likes for your Facebook page and get high traffic from your Facebook Pages , in this regard a New Facebook Popout Like Box Version 2 has been released which will solve your traffic problem,this is very stylish Like Box , you can add this Like Box to any side of your Blog/Website .Whenever someone move mouse on it , it will pops up .However Let's see how to add this box to Blogger.


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How To Add Facebook Popup Like Box To Blogger

Before installing/adding Facebook Popup Like Box to your Blog , you must already install the jQuery Plugin to your blog template , if you have not added that plugin follow the below easy steps to add.

  • Sign in to your Blogger Account 
  • Go To Blogger Dashboard , there click on template after that Click on Edit HTML , then Proceed it , Check the Small Box "Expand Widgets Template" after that Search for tag.
  • Now Copy the below Script and paste below/under Tag
  • The Plugin is installed , now lets add the Like Box
  • Again Go to Blogger Dashboard
  • Click On Layout
  • Add a Widget and Select HTML/JavaScript
  • A Box will popup , now Copy the below script/code and paste it in the box.

  •  Change The Page Username in the Script to your Own Page Username i.e "ThatsBlogging".
  • You Can Change the width and height of the box (the width and height is clearly indicated by red text i.e 250 ".
  • Now hit Save and that's it !
  • Still Confuse ? Feel Free to ask any question , we will anwser you !
Actually the script is coded by , all credit goes to W2B , but we share this for the sake of our Visitors , Stay Blessed , Happy Blogging

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