Display Profile Picture in Google Search Results

Display Profile Picture in Google Search Results

Google can now easily display your Profile Picture and Name in Search results next to your Blog Contents.Actually This Picture and name comes from your Google+ Account.This Picture represent  true Authorship of Your Contents on Search Results.According to my experience Profile Picture in Google Search Result is naturally attracted to visitors,so a flood of traffic will start to your blog.Now Let's learn how To implement this in Blogger.

How To Display Profile Picture in Google Search Results

Now If you are interested to show your Profile Picture in Google Search Result,here is some steps,follow these and easily get your Profile Picture in Google Search Results.Actually all you need is the below 3 things.
  • A Blog or Website
  • A Google+ Account
  • And an About me page in your Blog.
If You already have did the above 3 steps then follow the below easy steps.
  • Add the below script/Code on your blog any where i.e at sidebar or footer .
  • HerePasteYourG+ID"rel="author">My Profile
  • Don,t change the script just change HerePasteYourG+ID with your own Google+ ID.You can get your Google+ Profile ID by visiting your Profile as shown below in the picture.

  • Now next step is go to your About me page and add the below link any where in about me page.
  • Replace YourG+ ID with your G+ ID , however you can also change G+ Profile to any text you want. 
  • Now You have to link your Website/Blog to Contributor Section.
  • Visit Your Google+ Account>>Edit Profile>>Add your website/blog link to the "Contributor to" List as shown below.
Display Profile Picture in Google Search Results

  • Not the last and most important thing is uploading a Profile Picture to Google+ Account,Actually this Profile picture will comes in any search results.So upload an awesome Photo,Remember if your Picture is 160px by 160px ir will look great.And now just save your Profile.That's it.
  • Now Time for Checking.Either its working or nope? So for Checking visit the Google Rich Snippet Tool and enter your blog/website URL and hit preview .Now if its working perfect it will show the result as shown below in the Picture.
  • That's it,if its not working with you read the below Tips.

Some Extra Tips

If You did the Above Steps correctly and Google is still not Showing Your Profile Picture in the Search Results,so try the below steps.
  • Complete your Author Page i.e About me with all required data and a picture(the Picture should be Google+ Account Profile Picture).
  • Make sure that you have added correct name similar to your Google+ Account.
  • The main step is your Google+ Profile should be complete.
  • And one another thing i personally observed that you must add some circles.
So What's Up:- Displaying Picture in Google Search result makes me more professional and visitors will be surely attracted by your Profile Picture if it is Awesome :D and if you have uploaded Ghost Picture then :D , stay blessed , Happy Blogging .

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