Failed Batch of Cookies

There was a time I rarely measured anything. I just added stuff to the bowl with a general idea of what was needed until it looked "right". Occasionally I had a disaster on my hands, but for the most part things almost always turned out...    really well.

In recent years I am finding it more and more difficult to bake a batch of decent cookies. My criteria has changed and I suspect as a result, the "chemistry" is off. This weekend for example, I wanted to produce a batch of buttery and flourless cashew cookies using less than half the amount of sweetener you'd find in a conventional cookie.

The cookies I made tasted ok. They were even sweet enough for me, but their texture was all wrong. They were more akin to small drops of cake batter, rather than cookies with crispy edges and soft centres.

I'll give this another try next month. I don't want cookies in the house again, before then.

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