How To SEO Optimize Blog Titles For Higher Search Results

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This is what we called Blogger Title Swapping.If you are interested in getting a flood of traffic to your blog,and want to Optimize Blog Titles for Higher Search Results,then you are at the right place.We will show you How To SEO Optimize Your Blog Titles for Higher Search Results.You may have observed that whenever you visit a blog,in browsers title bar you will notice the Blog name(for example ThatsBlogging) and after that you will see the post Title.It will look like the below picture.
But after Swapping it will look like the below picture.

You will think that what is its Bonus Point?The benefit of Applying this trick is that your Blog Title will appear clearly in Google Search results.And according to my experience visitors search for the specific Post not for Blog Title or anything else.So by applying this trick visitors will easily navigate your Blog articles and contents.

How To SEO Optimize Blog Titles For Higher Search Results

  • Go To Blogger Dashboard.
  • Then Click on Template
  • Now Click On Edit HTML
  • Proceed it >> and Click on expand widgets template ( i.e Check the Small Box)
  • Now Search for the Below Code 
It will look like the below picture
  • Now Replace the above Code with the below Script
<data:blog.pageName/> |<data:blog.title/> <data:blog.pageTitle/>
After replacing it will look like the below picture 

  • Now Check for Preview,if it works that's it you are done.
So What's Up:- Applying this trick will surely help you to boost blog traffic,your blog will be at the top of Google Search Results.Now time to apply this trick,so just Open your Blogger Account and do it :)

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