Show Post Titles Only On HomePage in Blogger

 This Tutorial will enables you to Display Posts Titles in a dwelling sheet along-with Comments Bubble on your Blog Home Page.These Titles are link with the original posts , the time One Click On Any title it brings him/her into the Specific Post.Moreover it makes your Blog Easy to navigate, so your Blog readers can easily navigate any post.Now How To Implement this Hack in Blogger, follow the below easy steps.

 How To Show Post Titles Only On HomePage in Blogger

  • Go To Blogger Dashboard
  • Click On Template
  • Then Click On Edit HTML
  • Search For Tag
  • Now Copy the Below Script and paste it Before tag
  • Now Just Hit Save Template
  • Now Go To Layout >>  Page Elements >> Click Edit >> Enter The "Number Of Posts On Main Page".
  • Hit Save and that's it!

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