How To Add Automatic "Read More" Button/Hack in Blogger

Add Automatic Read More Button in Blogger: Although it's not a Big Deal that How To Add Read More Button in Blogger but some new bloggers can't fix this Problem and they are randomly searching for this hack. Let me elaborate it for you People , this is not as hard as "mesothelioma trial attorney " this word .This Hack just add "read more" option in every post. Actually you may have seen in some Blogger Templates that when you post some contents , it just show the whole contents i.e article from Start to the end but this Hack will wind up the article and will not show the whole article but read more button will be present there.So let's add this read more button in blogger.

How To Add Automatic "Read More" Button/Hack in Blogger

  • Go To Blogger Dashboard
  • Now Press CTRL+F and Search for
  • Now Copy the below Script and paste it above tag.

  • Now Save template and that's it ;)

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