How To Add Comment Counter to Post Header Titles in Blogger

Add Comment Counter to Post Header Titles in Blogger: By Default numbers of Comments is shown below the each post in Comment Section.As it is placed below post , so most of us never noticed it.Now If you are interested in adding this Comment Counter to Header it will really inspire your blog readers and will socially force them to comment.It's a fact , if you add Comment Counter near to Blog post Title it will be totally better then the below area.And it will surely inspire your Blog Readers to Comment on your Posts.What Do You Think this Counter is better neat to Post Titles? If Yes, Then follow the following steps.

How To Add Comment Counter to Post Header Titles in Blogger
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How To Add Comment Counter to Post Header Titles in Blogger

    • Go To Blogger
    • Click On Template
    • Search for ]]>
    • Now Copy the Below Script and add it just above ]]>
    .comment-count {
    float : right;
    width : 47px;
    height : 47px;
    background : url(  SPECIFIC IMAGE URL  );
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    font-size : 19px;
    margin-top : -16px;
    margin-right : 2px;
    text-align : center;
    • Now Chose the Comment Counter Background

    • Now Copy the Image URL and Replace SPECIFIC IMAGE URL in the script with the image URL
    • Now Add Comment Count Code 
    • For That Again Go To Blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Search For

      OR class='post-title entry-title'

    • Now Copy the Below Script and add it below the Above mentioned Code

    • Now Save Template and That's it !
     So What's Up : If You Liked this tut , Please Share it and Express your views in Comments . Stay Blessed ,Happy Blogging!

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