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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est free games. Afficher tous les articles

Download Zuma's Revenge!

Zuma's Revenge! is the addictive sequel to Zuma, the bubble bursting puzzler where you control a lost frog which has found itself up against angry island god Zuma. The story is just decoration for the sometimes frantic puzzle action the makes up Zuma's Revenge! However, the humorous and irreverent text and dialogue really help make this a charming experience.

Download Zuma

Zuma is an extremely simple, and it has to be said, extremely addictive puzzle game. It even got someone like me who avoids puzzles like the plague, glued to the computer. You control a small frog in some kind of ancient Aztec world that revolves on an axis. The frog spits out different colored balls that destroy other balls whirling around the frog on their way to the center to access a sac

GTA IV San Andreas

GTA IV San Andreas is an import mod for GTA IV, which aims to recreate the whole of San Andreas in the newer Rage engine that built IV's Liberty City. If you're a huge fan of everything Grand Theft Auto IV, you're going to love GTA IV San Andreas. It aims to port the epic Grand Theft Auto San Andreas game to the Rockstar Advanced Game Engine (RAGE).


Bandicam is a program that lets you capture what's happening on your computer screen as a video or image. It’s an excellent alternative to FRAPS.  Capture videos and images With Bandicam, gamers are capable of recording their gaming skills in high resolution, up to 2560x1600, and then sharing the videos directly on YouTube in 720p or 1080p.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 1.0

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is the sequel to the legendary GTA 3. This time we go from Liberty City to Vice City, a place clearly inspired by the Miami of the 1980s. Steal cars, get involved in hold-ups and shootings, and above all, get the most out of the enormous city that sprawls, dazzlingly, in front of your eyes. 
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